Homecoming Activities
We invite all Jeffersonians to come and join us for this celebration.
Alumni, Moye’s Boys and La Jeff Committee members are urged to attend all fucntions. Let’s support the kids and our school and show all who we are. United as one! Come on Foxes!
Monday, Oct. 27th – Homecoming Parade
Parade starts at 6:00 pm from the corner of Tobin and Comanche Streets behind the Old Delta Rec. Center. The parade will travel north on Tobin, turns Right onto Orchard St. then left onto Hernandez St. Then right onto Blanco and then north on Val Verde St. Parade will end in the Jefferson parking lot followed by a pep rally in the H.R. Moye Gym.
Friday, Oct. 31st — before the Pep Assembly come and visit good Ol’ Jeff and mingle with the kids. Take a step back in time and remember those good ol’ days. “Viva La Jeff” Bring your colors! Scarlet and Silver.
Friday, Oct. 31st—Homecoming Pep Rally @ 2:30 in the H.R. Moye Gym. Come and join us and get wild. Friday, Oct. 31st – Homecoming Football Game vs. Irvin H.S.@ Baty-Samang Stadium – Bowie High. 7:00pm–Introduction of 2014-15 Homecoming Court and 2014-15 Outstanding Ex- Dr. Edward Castaneda Ph.D. will take place at halftime ceremonies.
If you should have any questions, please contact Student Activities Director, Mrs. Angelica Lechuga @ (915) 236-7463 or (915) 491-7639 cell.
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